Arc Open Space

MIKABLUE LIMITED > Digital security > Arc Open Space

Self-Network Certified Security personnel and Businesses

Our business objective is linking security agents to the security companies without incurring a large overhead and also making sure that all registered officers benefit from the format that our platform creates. Register your interest now and Download the App from 26th November 2021. We apologize for the delay as this is due to the disruption brought about by Covid -19.

Arc Open Space serves to link and network certified security personnel and Businesses. It takes away the stress of hunting for resources to meet your demands, its timely because it’s at your fingertips an all in one Database. Firms and personnel are profiled and categorised reducing risk on hiring. Interactive recruitment designed for blow-outs through a bidding system to protect the personnel and the hiring firms*. Fast and reliable payment via the App. In-built customer resolution model to resolve queries fast and efficiently.

Professional Charts

It gives you a graphical report of the activities and movement of your staff/personnel periodically regardless of their location.

Pocket Friendly

Schedule staff work activities on the go and push work plans to individual personnel with complete details.

Security Service Hub

Serves as a hub for linking security agents to security companies across the entire united kingdom.


Schedule staff work activities on the go and push work plans to individual personnel with complete details.


It easily calculates the amount due to be paid to each staff using the time and operations carried out daily.

Agent Motion Sensor/Activities

Incorporated motion sensors with tags, the officers on site can visually see in zone if anyone has passed his check points – Auto feedback to HQ.

The Apps were developed with your needs in mind, it has capabilities to generate live reports of security agents already registered with us in pdf format with graphs.

Project Details

  • Arc Open Space
  • Digital security
  • August 12, 2021

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Office hours

International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct. London. EC1A 2BN